Immune System Support

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Herbal suggestions to help support your mental, physical, and emotional wellness from head to toe! Many of the items listed can be found at your local grocery store. Please seek the advice of your personal health practitioner to ensure the right supplements and dosing for your current health.

We cannot pour, from an empty cup! Sending love and energy to your home from mine.

  • Peppermint: Peppermint can be found in tea form as well as an essential oil. This is a great option for opening the bronchial, and increasing lung capacity. It is also a great aid for digestion. Peppermint is high in rosmarinic acid which is known to be an anti-inflammatory. Recommended not to use peppermint in high doses if you have acid re-flux, or GERD.

  • Chamomile: We could all benefit from an internal hug right now. Chamomile will help us calm our internal state and is safe in small doses for children. You can make a strong tea by using 2-3 bags versus just one. You can also add Chamomile to a bath to help reduce stress.

  • Turmeric: Turmeric is known to be a great herb for reducing toxicity and inflammation in our bodies due to it’s antioxidant properties. Curcumin, which is the active ingredient in Turmeric, is known to reduce heart disease and increase brain function.

  • Licorice Root: Licorice Root can be found in tea form, and essential oil. It is great at protecting the mucous membranes from excessive particulate matter. It is also known for soothing gastrointestinal problems. The active property is glycyrrhizic acid, which is an anti inflammatory and immune-booster. *This herb has been known to increase blood pressure when taken in large amounts.

  • Marshmallow Root: Marshmallow root is high in demulcents, which can help protect the sensitive mucous membranes. This is a cooling herb that can help soothe our whole system. This can be found in a bulk dried form. I prepare this as a cold brewed tea, using 1 tsp to 10 oz. of water in, brewed overnight in a glass jar.

  • Lavender: Lavender is known for its great ability to help reduce our stress and help us feel comforted. You can make a tea with 1 tsp of dried lavender and 8 oz. of hot water. You can also add the essential oil to a bath. Another option is you can find Epson salt with lavender essential oil already added. If you have lavender essential oils you can add a couple of drops on your hands and rub on your chest, and feet to help you relax.

  • Echinacea: Echinacea has been known to be an immune system stimulating herb. It is wonderful at reducing inflammation throughout the body, and helps to decrease the chance of getting sick, especially while under added stress. Echniacea can be found in tea form, as well as capsule supplements.


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