Our goal is to give you the tools we have learned to create inner peace in our lives. We want to create a container for you to connect to like minded people who are deeply looking for a stronger sense of health and community in their lives. We couldn’t think of a more beautiful place to put down the worries of the world and drop into nature for a weekend of wellness.

This incredible cabin, in Sundance, Utah offers a perfect retreat from your daily life. The cabin has 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a hot tub over the creek plus a gazebo for lounging. There is an open kitchen for fun and connection during our group meals. There is plenty of open space for journaling and soaking up some much needed downtime.

You will be showered with support and kindness on this incredibly calming retreat. We hope to send you home with memories to look back on and new skills to improve your quality of life for the long run. There will be opportunities for 1:1 time with each coach to dive deeper into what has called you to this inner work. This is a place and opportunity to experience non-judgement and deeper connection.

Sundance 2024

Take time to connect to You…

October 3-6

What People Are Saying

“Renewed. Refreshed. I gained clarity in knowing who I am and comfort with where I am at today. I’ve gained friendships that I know will have a permanent mark in my heart and will last a lifetime. This retreat was beyond beautiful and I will forever be thankful for these moments”

— Tasha

“What a magical weekend in a magical place. The bravery and vulnerability I witnessed between 12 women will stay with me forever. I came searching for connection and community and I am leaving with so much more!! Thank you universe for mirroring back to me all the love and acceptance I have been longing for”

— Aubrey

“This weekend will forever be in my mind and heart. I will be processing everything for weeks to come. The work you are doing is vital in the world… so many of these women have been vulnerable about the lack of a safe space to open up and be sincere with other women and you are creating that sacred space. This is the beginning of something beautiful. Thank you for a life changing weekend.

— Emily